Are you thinking of getting a ferret as a pet? Learn all there is to know about this intelligent animal, from its care to its personality and whether you can train it or not.
General facts
Ferrets were domesticated in the late 80s and 90s. However, some countries or states don’t allow owning one as a pet.
For example, in America, California and New York are two states that ferret’s possession is forbidden.
Ferrets in wildlife hunt rabbits or mouses. They pertain to weasel’s family as stoats, ermines etc.
Their name comes from the Latin word “furittus” that means little thief. That’s because they like to play with small objects and usually, they lose or hide them.
Size and lifespan
The size and lifespan of a ferret can vary depending on various factors such as genetics, diet, and environment.
On average ferrets typically weight between 1.5 to 4.5 pounds (0.7 to 2.0 kg ) and measure around 8-20 inches (20-50 cm) in length.
Lifespan: The lifespan of a ferret can vary, but on average, they live for around 6-10 years. However, some ferrets can live up to 12 years or more with proper care and a healthy lifestyle.
Color and appearance
Ferrets have a long, slender body, short legs, and a pointed snout. They have a sleek fur coat that can come in a variety of colors, including white, black, chocolate, brown, and a combination of these colors.
Sometimes ferrets may have white or gray shades as well. The rarest color a ferret is cinnamon and gold-brown.
Newborns are white colored until their 3-4 week of life. After that temporal period, they acquire their permanent fur color.
Do ferrets smell?
If you want to become a ferret’s owner, you may wonder about your pets’ smell.
Ferrets have a distinctive musky odor that is natural to them, but with proper care and hygiene, their smell can be minimized.
Ferrets have scent glands located near their skin that produce this musky odor, which helps them communicate with other ferrets and mark their territory. However, their odor can become stronger if they are not bathed regularly or if their litter box is not cleaned frequently.
To reduce the smell of your ferret, you can follow the steps below:
1. Bathing: You can bathe your ferret with a gentle, ferret-specific shampoo every few weeks to help reduce their natural musky odor.
Over-bathing can dry out their skin, so it's important to follow a bathing schedule that works for your ferret.
2. Cleanliness: Ferrets are naturally clean animals, but they require a clean litter box and living area to maintain their hygiene.
Clean your ferret's litter box every day and wash their bedding and toys regularly to help reduce odors.
3. Diet: Feeding your ferret a high-quality diet can also help to reduce their odor.
Avoid feeding your ferret diets that are high in carbohydrates or low in protein, as these can lead to a stronger odor.
With regular cleaning, grooming, and feeding, you can minimize the natural musky odor of your ferret.
In conclusion, the scent of a ferret is not unpleasant for most people but some can’t handle it in regular basis. This is something you should consider before getting one.
Are ferret and weasel the same?
Ferrets and weasels are related, but they are not the same animal. Ferrets are a domesticated subspecies of the European polecat (Mustela putorius), which is a type of weasel.
Domestication of ferrets has been traced back to ancient times, with evidence of them being used for hunting and pest control as far back as 1500 BC in Egypt.
Weasels, on the other hand, are a group of small carnivorous mammals that belong to the genus Mustela, which includes species such as the long-tailed weasel, the least weasel, and the stoat.
While ferrets and weasels share some physical characteristics and belong to the same family (Mustelidae), they are distinct species with different behaviors, habitat preferences, and lifecycles.
Ferrets have been selectively bred over many generations to produce a more docile temperament, whereas weasels are wild animals that are typically not kept as pets.
How to take care of a ferret
Ferrets need a lot of attention and care. Even more than having a dog!
That’s because their care requires responsibility and detailed caution to their every day living conditions and habits.
Food and diet
Ferrets in wildlife usually hunt small rabbits, mice or even birds. This high-protein diet should be adopted by the ferret owners as well.
In other words, their food must consist of meat choices and a special food variety, that includes all the nutrients a ferret should get in daily basis.
Also, cooked meat, cooked egg yolk (not the white) and small amounts of fruit can be offered to your pet ferret.
More info in the article what do ferrets eat by
The cage that will become a ferret’s home should be large enough and very well ventilated. For example, a cage with dimensions 19.7 x 19.7 x 23.6 inches (50 x 50 x 60 cm) should be sufficient. Although, this may change by the number of ferrets that you own.
Be reminded that your ferrets’ character is social, friendly and it prefers at least one more friend to live together in the cage!
Also, ferrets enjoy to play in different height levels. Provide them a cage with a least 2 floors and ramps. They usually like to sleep in a different floor from the one which is for their active and playful mode.
Inside the cage you should provide plenty of toys! Be careful to choose toys that ferrets will not eat. They like to play and remain in a fit shape! Also, the cage should always have a well-stabled bowl with fresh water and at least two litter boxes filled with wood-based litter.
Last but not least, ferrets live more comfortable in cool temperature conditions than in a warm environment. Usually, a temperature range between 59 to 73 Fahrenheit (15 to 23 Celsius) is ideal.
Do they need exercise?
Ferrets like to get daily exercise. That’s why they want to be out of the cage regularly.
Interaction with other ferrets, toys and special ferret’s climbing facilities (even a short cat tree will do) will help them get the exercise and stimulation they need.
Ferrets enjoy to be healthy and clean! They have a sensitive skin, so it may become dry and absorb dust or dirt quite easily. Actually, they take care of their hygiene themselves, almost like cats.
Generally, it’s advisable to give them no more than two baths per month and not exceed this number, as it may cause irritations. Bathe them with lukewarm water, not hot.
Ferret personality
As mentioned above, they are social pets and enjoy good companionship! In addition, they are intelligent and easy going! Ferrets are entertaining, playful and energetic.
Is it a good pet?
Many new owners are wondering about having a ferret as pet. There are some main factors that you should consider before getting a ferret to your house.
Ferrets need a lot of attention. It’s advisable to let them out of their cage daily, as they may feel anxiety and isolation.
They like play time but sometimes they might bite with their sharp teeth. That’s why you should avoid letting small kids to be alone with them without supervision.
If you are thinking that you can train you ferret in order to achieve its best behavior, there are some common questions with their answers!
Can you train it?
Patience and rewarding are the key words! Ferrets are clever pets. You may start by teaching them what objects they should avoid, as they like chewing almost everything.
Also, you may train them to avoid some specific areas. A helpful method is by using a specialized bitter apple spray, as ferrets dislike this scent and will leave these areas.
In addition, don’t forget that all pets want positive reinforcement. Reward your ferret for its good behavior with praise and small treats even when it's time to return to its cage. This praise will keep up its happy mode even if the play time has finished!
Toilet training
Can you potty train a ferret? Actually yes!
Ferrets can be trainable about their toilet needs. Young ones are more difficult to train but when you start from a young age, you may have better results until their full growth.
Show them where the litter box is and let them smell it, also give them some good treats to enhance their effort!
Can you train a ferret to wear a leash?
Training a ferret to wear a leash is important if you plan to take them outside for walks or to the park, as it helps keep them safe and under control.
Here are some steps you can follow to train your ferret to wear a leash:
1. Start by getting your ferret used to the harness.
Place the harness on your ferret for short periods of time, gradually increasing the amount of time they wear it each day. Give them treats and praise while they're wearing the harness, so they learn to associate it with positive experiences.
2. Once your ferret is comfortable wearing the harness, attach the leash and let them drag it around the house while supervised. This will help them get used to the feeling of being on a leash.
3. Begin to lead your ferret around the house on the leash, encouraging them to follow you with treats and praise.
Be patient and move slowly, as it may take some time for your ferret to get used to being led on a leash.
4. Once your ferret is comfortable walking on the leash indoors, you can take them outside to a quiet, enclosed area, such as a backyard or fenced-in park.
Start with short walks and gradually increase the amount of time you spend outside with your ferret on the leash.
Remember to always supervise your ferret when they are outside on a leash, as they can be easily startled or distracted.
Additionally, make sure the harness and leash fit properly and are not too tight, as this can cause discomfort or injury.
With patience and positive reinforcement, most ferrets can be trained to wear a leash and enjoy the outdoors.
Ferret health as a pet
It's important to note that ferrets are prone to certain health issues, such as adrenal disease, insulinoma, and dental problems, so regular veterinary check-ups are recommended to help ensure a long and healthy life for your ferret.
Also, ferrets need to be vaccinated, as they may carry germs or diseases that can be transferred to humans. Usually they get vaccine against canine distemper just like dogs and cats.
One thing you have to remember is that it’s difficult to understand when your ferret is sick. That’s why you should pay close attention to its every day routine, its appetite and poop and contact your vet if something seems out of the ordinary.
A ferret’s cost depends on the location of the breeder, its health conditions, its age and color appearance. The most common price is about 100$ to 300$ per each one.
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