Is your cat peeing outside the litter box? Find out the possible reasons why and how to stop it. Plus, cleaning tips for cat pee and how to get rid of the cat urine smell.
Cat peeing outside the box is a quite common situation that you may face as a feline parent!
Sometimes it gets difficult and tiring to clean urine in daily basis. That’s why many owners are wondering about the reasons of their cat peeing on the floor or even everywhere in the house.
The good news is that you are dealing with a treatable situation.
The first step is to recognize your cat’s needs and sensitivities in order to discipline your kitten and to overcome medical and behavioral issues. A visit to your vet will also be helpful as it will clarify your cat’s total health status.
Let’s take a closer look to the more ordinary causes of urinating outside the litter box, as to enhance reasons’ familiarization among cat owners!
Reasons why your cat may be peeing outside the litter box
1 Dirty litter box
Domestic cats are intelligent and clean pets. They like to live in a clean environment and maintain a good psychical health.
A dirty litter box accompanied with urine smell, will probably be unpleasant to your cat.
That’s why, it may prefer peeing outside the box, as it is cleaner. In addition, don’t forget that animals have strong sense of smell, so a phenomenally good smelling box, may seem dirty and bad-smelling to your cat.
In order to avoid this situation, make sure that your cat’s litter box remains clean.
Use enzymatic cleaning products that offer smell neutralization and don’t include ammonia elements. Also, try to provide deep cleaning, by scrubbing the box’s walls and let it dry well, at least once per week.
2 Hard to reach litter box
It's important to provide easy access to the litter box.
The box should be in a place of the household that your cat visits frequently. This place should ensure privacy and be quiet for your cat.
3 Type of litter/substrate
The type of litter absolutely matters for your cat.
Usually kittens from 2-4 weeks old seem to show their preference to a specific litter type.
Keep in mind that you may need to switch many types/ brands of litter in order to find the best choice for your cat preferences.
4 Having multiple pets
If you are an owner of more than one cat, it’s advisable to have at least one extra litter box than the number of your cats. This is because cats want to feel their private place their own and mark their territory.
In addition, sometimes there maybe competition to reach the box. For this, you can place the boxes in different rooms and be sure that all your cats can find them easily.
5 Stress-behavioral reasons
Stress is a common source of inappropriate urination and can occur by the changes in your cat’s environmental elements.
Even the repositioning of a furniture or moving to a new apartment, may stress your pet. Cats like stability and predictability.
Changes of liter box’s location may cause stress as well. For these reasons, it’s advisable to make small changes at a time.
Cats look strong but are sensitive pets! New pets or humans in the house may cause abnormal behaviors. On the other hand, an absence of a familiar face can be a reason of unusual behaviors as well.
These factors can indisputably affect your cat’s manners and even its urination location choices.
6 Medical Reasons
Kidney Disease:
It’s a chronic disease that affects usually older cats as it appears slowly. In other words, damaged kidneys occurring through years. The earlier signs of the disease are visible by the owner. Usually, your cat will have low appetite, increased uncontrolled urination, weight loss e.g. Your vet will estimate the disease’s status and will proceeded to the best treatment therapy for your cat.
Urinary tract infection:
This inflammation is caused by bacteria. It can cause unusual urine amounts, even with the presence of blood. Also, with the infection occurs strong pain and irregular and frequent peeing. Fortunately, this situation can be treated by the correct medication usage from your vet’s instructions.
Idiopathic Cystitis:
This term has been related to abnormal peeing, more commonly to older cats. This situation is correlated with other health problems and a stressful environment.
Cystitis have many clinical signs, like pain in urination, abnormal peeing in different locations and even more, inability of urination. The early diagnosis is crucial to ensure your cat’s health.
It’s a chronic and progressive health condition. As expected, cat’s aging is the main factor of the disease’s manifestation. Bones pain can annoy your cat a lot.
If the cat can’t easily approach the litter box, or if a small jump is needed to get in, it may prefer to pee outside. Decide the best medical therapy with your vet as to help your cat’s living quality.
Usually older cats are dealing with this disease. Hyperthyroidism can occur weakness of the muscle mass and affects the normal function of metabolism. One symptom is the increase of peeing frequency.
How to stop your cat from peeing outside the litter box
There are some good steps that you may do to efficiently stop your cat from peeing outside of the box.
First of all, don’t postpone the visit to your vet and check systematically your cat’s overall health.
If medical reasons are excluded, then the major factors of abnormal peeing, can be solved in a great percentage by the owner.
1 Cleanliness is the most important key.
Use a vinegar solution or a specialized enzymatic cleaner to eliminate the smell from all the locations that abnormal peeing have taken place.
That’s because your cat may keep peeing in other house areas, if it can still smell its own urine, a sign that is automatically combined with a cat’s property place.
2 Choose big litter boxes
Big litter boxes that are open above make your cat feel more comfortable. If the litter box has a hood, your cat may feel squished. This situation may also add extra anxiety and your cat will prefer peeing outside of it.
3 Make sure your cat lives a stress-free life.
Provide toys and activities that your pet likes. Also, the litter box must be placed in a location with no noise and reassure that no other pet or human annoys your cat while visiting its private place.
4 Provide enough boxes
Have enough boxes in many places at the house. Inaccessibility to litter boxes is a crucial factor of preferring peeing in other household areas.
5 Ease of access
Provide easy entrance to the litter box, especially if you have an old cat. Use a small bar and make an easy way to reach it.
6 Visit a specialized trainer/ behaviorist for cats.
Undoubtedly you will figure out more easily the reasons for your cats inappropriate peeing and you will start a targeted treatment ideal for your cat needs.
What not to do
It is important not to use extreme methods! Don’t rub your cat’s nose in urine. This gesture will only add stress to your pet.
Also, don’t scold your cat. Aggressive behavior will make things worse.
Don't drag your kitten to the litter box as to show it where the correct place for peeing is.
What is the best litter for cats?
Cats like unscented litter. The best choice is to buy one that can control the unpleasant smell and minimize dust.
Some good options are made by natural corn kernels, have mild antiseptic action and provide easier removing of solid and liquid excreta.
Cat Urine Gets Worse With Time
Cat urine is usually unnoticed until it becomes a problem. After some time, the bacterium in the urine decomposes and gives off a distinctive ammonia-like odor.
After that, according to, the urine emits mercaptans, the same compounds that give skunk spray its characteristic bad smell.
How to clean cat pee and smell
To clean cat urine, first locate the affected area and blot up as much of the urine as possible with paper towels.
Then clean it with an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed to break down the proteins found in cat urine (these cleaners can be found at most pet stores). Allow the cleaner to sit for the amount of time recommended on the product label.
After that, rinse the area with clean water and blot it dry.
You may need to repeat this process if the odor is not completely removed.
It's important to note that it's best to clean the affected area as soon as possible after the accident. Cat urine can cause discoloration of surfaces and permanent damage to carpets and fabrics if not cleaned properly and in a timely manner.
Also, always use cold water because hot water will set the cat pee and make the smell worse.
Cleaning cat urine with vinegar
The process is similar with the above
First, blot up as much of the urine as possible with paper towels.
Mix together equal parts of white vinegar and water and apply on the affected area. Let it work for 5-10 minutes
Wipe the vinegar and sprinkle baking soda over the area. Allow it to sit for an additional 5-10 minute and vacuum up the baking soda.
Repeat the process if necessary.
Note that it's important to use white vinegar and not apple cider vinegar. The acidity in white vinegar breaks down the proteins in cat urine, neutralizing the odor.
It's also important to note that not all surfaces and materials can handle being cleaned with vinegar, especially if they are delicate or porous. It's always recommended to test a small, inconspicuous area first before cleaning the entire surface or material.
Cat pee on your clothes:
As suggests, do not wash the stained clothes straight into the washing machine, because the odor will set and it can also be transferred to other clothes.
First, rinse very well with cold water (hot water can set the smell) and blot with paper towels.
Transfer the clothes into a bucket with a ½ cup of oxygen bleach (not chlorine) for 2-3 hours.
Rinse well and soak the clothes again in a mixture of vinegar and water (1 part vinegar and 3 parts water).
Rinse again and add some baking soda directly to the stain, letting it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Add the clothes to the washing machine, set to cold, and run without any detergent. Hang clothes to dry, as the heat from the dryer may still cause the odor to set.
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