The Komondor also known as mop dog or Hungarian sheepdog is breed with a fur that naturally dreads as it grows up. Find out all the information about this breed and its traits.
What is a mop dog?
Komondor or mop dog is a large dog with long, white corded fur which looks like a mop. This effect is responsible for its nickname Mop dog but you may also know it as Hungarian sheepdog.
The word Komondor (Koman-dor) actually means ‘the dog of the Cumans’ or ‘belonging to the Cumans’.
Cumans was an ancient nomadic tribe that used to live in Hungary.

That’s why Komondor is also called the Hungarian sheepdog, as it was mainly used by Cumans to guard sheep from the attacks of wild animals.
Komondor is believed to have been brought to Hungary by Cumans between 1200 and 1300 a.C. along with the nomadic tribe, and due the fact that is carries the country’s name, it is part of Hungary’s cultural heritage.
Its is considered to be a descendant of the Tibetan dog, as Cumans were forced by Mongols to depart from that part of the world.
Komondor - Mop dog breed information
Komondor is a well-built dog with strong muscles. It has long legs, short back and a curvy tail. Its lips and nose are always black, while its coat is white and matted.
When a puppy it has a fluffy coat, but as it matures its fur turns long and curly, leading to the formation of dreadlocks.
Its heavy coat is about 8 inches (20 cm) to 11 inches (27 cm) long and protects it from cold weather and animal bites.
Komondors head is quite broad with an equally size muzzle and a scissor bite.

Komondor dog size
Komondor is one of the largest breeds of dogs around the world. Its average height is almost 28 inches (71 cm) for the females and 32 inches (81 cm) for the males.
Komondors are quite heavy too. A male Komondor can reach 132 lb (60 kilos) while the female, being slightly lighter, is usually between 88 lb (40 kilos) and 110 lb (50 kilos).
How much does a Komondor cost?
Komondor is more expensive than other dogs. Due to the fact that it is part Hungary’s heritage, its modification is protected by law. So if you intend to buy a purebred Komondor, you must expect to spend as much as $1,000 for a puppie.

Komondor temperament. Are mop dogs good family dogs?
Komondor, like most sheepdogs, has a friendly and pleasant temperament. It is very affectionate with people and kids, that is why it is a very good choice if you are considering on getting one as a family dog.
It also gets along pretty good with other pets too, though it often barks to other dogs.
It is usually not aggressive, but when it comes to protecting its owners from trespassers or a possible threat, it can become very aggressive.
Komondor is best kept in a big back yard, but it can adjust living in an apartment too. In order to keep it healthy though, you must make sure that it exercises often.
Another thing you should know is that Komondors can be noisy during nighttime.
Komondor traits
- Sensitivity: Komondors are very sensitive pets. They can easily understand how someone feels and respond correspondently. Especially with kids.
- Tolerates cold weather: Komondors heavy coat protects it from severe weather conditions, which makes it a perfect choice for you if you live in a cold climate.
- Affectionate with family: It is also very affectionate, a trait that will make you love your Komondor even more. Like most dogs, it enjoys its owner hug and cuddles.
- Easy to train: Komondors are easy to train, but there is a catch. You have to start at an early age, usually when Komondor is 4 months old. The training should also be based on praise and corrections, in order to establish good habits from the beginning.
- Intelligent: Intelligence is one of Komondors well known traits, as it helps it identify possible threats in order to protect the flock that it is responsible for.
- Playful/Athletic: Although Komondors aren’t that energetic during daytime, they can still be very playful dogs.
- Guardian instinct: Since Komondors were originally used as sheepdogs, they have a strong guardian instinct. This means that they are an excellent choice for keeping your house safe while you’ re at work.

Do mop dogs shed?
Komondor mainly sheds as a puppy. Once its coat is fully shaped into cords, molting is something you shouldn’t worry about, as it is the minimum you can get from a dog.
Komondor grooming and care
Komondor’s fur naturally dreads as it grows up. This happens because its undercoat is soft, but its outercoat is very rough, which leads to the famous mop effect that gave it its nickname.
Getting a Komondor means that you need to spend some time on grooming. This means you must brush itin a daily basis so that you remove the dirt. That is if you don’t want your Komondor to end up like a dirty mop!!!
You can also get help by getting it once and then in a professional groomer, in order to trim its outer coat and clean its nose and ears.
Komondor vs Puli
Komondor is a relative to the Puli, another well-known Hungarian breed.
Both dogs have long and corded fur and were used as sheepdogs, that is why they have strong guardian instincts.
They also have, just like Komondor, black nose and lips.

The main difference between the two Hungarian breeds is that Puli’s coat is usually black and some times whitish or gray.
Another difference is that Puli’s cords sometimes aren’t as tight as Komondor’s and that the Puli is quite smaller than Komondor.
Puli’s average height is almost 16 inches (40 cm) for the females and 17 inches (43 cm) for the males, while its weight ranges from 25 to 30 pounds.
Both breeds are smart, athletic and easy to train if you start at a young age.
It is best if you keep them in a house with a big garden. If that’s not an option, Puli is a better choice because of its smaller size.
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