The Sun Conure is a yellow and orange colored parrot with sweet and friendly character. Read below to learn what you'll need if you want this social parakeet as a pet.
Origin and Natural Habitat
Sun parakeets (Aratinga solstitialis), commonly known as Sun Conures in aviculture, are found in a tiny area of northeastern South America, including the north Brazilian state of Roraima, southern Guyana, extreme southern Suriname, and southern French Guiana. They are also found as vagrants on the coast of French Guiana.
They might be found in Amapá or far northern Pará (regions where the avifauna is often poorly recorded), but this has yet to be proven. Sulphur-breasted parakeet populations have been discovered along the Amazon River in Brazil.

They are widely reported to occur in savanna woodlands and forests located close to coasts, but recent sightings indicate that they primarily occur at elevations less than 1200 m, at the edge of humid forests growing in the foothills of the Guiana Shield.
Appearance & Size
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, brightly colored parrot indigenous to northeastern territories of South America.
It is about 12 inches (30cm) long and weighs approximately 3.5 – 4.2 oz (100 -120 grams)
It has a long tail, a black beak, white rings around its eyes and it is distinguished by its vivid orange and yellow color, which is often speckled with splotches of green.
It takes roughly two years for immature birds to attain their full color. The earliest feathers are olive green, evolving to a yellowish-orange combination approximately at 6 months of age. Full-color plumage develops between the ages of 18 months and two years.
Color and markings are the same for both sexes. Though the coloring of the sexes is almost identical, the males have brighter colors than the females. Males are also reported to have a squarer, flatter head, while females have a smaller and rounder head.
Sun conures are often confused with Jenday Conures. In the article Jenday Conure vs Sun Conure from you can read all about their differences.

Sun Conure lifespan- How long do they live?
Sun Conures as pets live for about 15-20 years, but with good care, they may survive for more than 20 years. It is reported that in some cases Sun Conures have lived up to 30 years of age.
In the wild it is reported that their lifespan is shorter due to predators, nutritional reasons, and other risks.
Speach and sound - Are they vocal?
The Sun Conure is known for their tremendously loud voice.
Sunnys are not the loudest conures, but they are a noisy species that will do its own share of yelling. The sun conure's cry is sharp and piercing, and it is released in fast succession.
Sun conures have periods of loudness and times of silence;
Most birds tend to be more noisy in the morning and again in the evening. Nevertheless, a sunny who is insecure or lonely might be continuously (and frustratingly) boisterous.
They are not well-known for their ability to communicate, although they can learn to pronounce a few words. On the other hand, they are excellent at copying noises such as doorbells, microwave buzzers, alarms and telephone chimes.

How to care for your Sun Conure
Food & Diet
A nutritional and balanced meal is key to a healthy diet.
The Sun Conure enjoys a broad range of fruits, nuts and vegetables and leafy greens such as: lettuce, fresh peas, kiwi, cherries, strawberries, orange, corn, beans, carrot, broccoli, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews. In the wild they also feed of insects.
Nuts and seeds should be given in moderation or as a treat only.
When it comes to pellet food, it should take 75-80% of the parakeet's diet. Aditionally, offer around a ⅛ to ¼ cup of fresh fruits and vegetables in the morning and at night.
Cage and Perches
Sun conures should have a somewhat large cage because they enjoy climbing and hanging upside down. For a smaller bird, a cage with a footprint of 30 inches by 30 inches and a height of at least 36 inches is recommended.
To prevent the sun parakeet from having its head trapped, make sure the cage has a bar spacing of ¾ to one inches. Sun conures kept in tiny cages are also prone to growing overweight.
Perches should have a diameter of ½". With a range of perch sizes, your conure may exercise their feet and avoid pressure ulcers on their soles.
Use perches made of various materials such as wood, braided rope, and natural branches. Sandpaper coverings on perches are abrasive to the feet and should be avoided.
Conures are highly clever birds, thus enrichment and mental stimulation are essential.
To encourage birds to play with toys, they should come in a range of shapes and colors.
Toys must be properly secured to the habitat since the sun parakeet may break them apart and eat them. Birds can become bored, pluck their feathers, cry, or develop other harmful habits in the absence of toys and attention.

Proper exercise is essential for the health of all birds.
Sun conures are naturally quite active and require plenty of space to soar, explore, and play.
If your Sun Conure can get up to 3 hours of out of cage time, that would be a great contribution to its health.
You can also train this parrot to do a variety of athletic skills using positive reinforcement strategies. This bird will not tolerate scolding or any other form of negative reinforcement.
Nail & Beak trimming
Every few weeks to months, birds require regular grooming, including nail clipping. A qualified individual should clip the bird's nails to prevent damage or injury.
In most circumstances, beaks do not require frequent trimming unless your pet has an underlying ailment (such as liver disease) that might promote irregular beak growth. Bird beaks are generally kept in good shape by frequent usage.
When done appropriately, clipping the outermost five flight feathers can help avoid harm or escape.
Sun Conure’s behavior: Is it good with kids?
This parakeet is a social bird and thus a great companion to kids and adults alike.
Sun conures, like other parrots, are sociable birds who require a lot of connection with their human owners to be happy. When given the care they require, they are naturally very friendly and active.
If you do not give them the attention they require, they will shout more, become frightened, and engage in destructive behavior.
This parrot has nippy episodes that may be difficult for both youngsters and adults. Even the most docile pet bird can be frightened and bite. If disturbed, it may become violent in an instant. Keep in mind that this is a normal reaction, not a real indication of its personality.

Health problems
Sun conures, like other conures, are prone to feather plucking. This is usually an indication that the bird is bored or is not getting the attention it need.
Keeping your Sun conure healthy is all about providing it with a nutritious diet, safe and clean place to live, toys and lots of chances for exercise and a stress-free environment with lots of affection.
If you notice any sudden change in behavior, ruffled feathers, sleepiness or anything else that doesn't seem normal you should contact your vet (preferably an vian veterinarian) or visit him as soon as possible.
Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD), Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, Psittacosis, beak malocclusion, and Aspergillosis are all possible in conures.
How much does a Sun Conure cost?
These birds can cost up to $800 or more. If you intend to purchase a sun conure, be certain that it is captive-bred certified.
If you can get to know the breeder sometime before purchasing the bird and see the conditions under which keeps his birds is always a good idea.
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