Umbrella cockatoo is a species of white-crested parrot native to the forests of Indonesia. Learn all the facts about this bird and what you'll need if you want one as a pet.
Umbrella cockatoo or white cockatoo (Cacatua alba), also known as the great white-crested cockatoo, is a white cockatoo that lives in the tropical forests of Indonesia.
It’s nickname, white-crested cockatoo, came from its large, white, umbrella-shaped crest on the top of its head, which raises when the cockatoo is upset, excited or feel like playing. Pretty amazing, right?
Their natural habitat consists of the rain forests of Indonesia, originating from the Maluku Islands. In captivity, Umbrella cockatoo can be found in many zoos, pet stores and private breeders.
Umbrella cockatoo belongs to the cockatoo family. It has grey beak and legs, just like Moluccan Cockatoo. The main difference between these two cockatoos is that Moluccan Cockatoo has a salmon-pink colored crest and is a bit larger in size.
Umbrella cockatoo is a very beautiful bird with white feathers. Its tail and the undersides of its wing are slightly colored yellow.
Lifespan and size of Umbrella cockatoo
The average lifespan of an Umbrella cockatoo is 60-70 years in the wild and can reach up to 80 years in captivity, as long as they’re well cared.
This difference is because the life of a cockatoo is less stressful in captivity without any major threat or danger.
As far as their size, they can grow an average of 17-20 inches (43-51 centimeters) in length and 0.4lb - 0.5lb (0.9 - 1.1 kilos) in weight. Males are usually larger than females, having bigger heads and larger beaks.
They are considered to be among the large species of cockatoos.
Care & diet (food, cage, toys, playtime and company)
Umbrella cockatoos, like most parrots, feed of:
- seeds
- berries
- nuts
- coconuts
- grain crops
A pet cockatoo should be provided with plenty of:
- fresh fruit and vegetables (like apples, bananas, pears, grapes, peaches, apricots, mango, spinach, brocolli, corn, peas, bell peppers). Remove the seeds from the fruit before giving it to your parrot, because some of them can be toxic.
- seeds and nuts (like sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.)
- cooked legumes (like beans and lentils)
- pellet food (preferably organic)
Avocados, onions, garlic, tapioca, mushrooms, chocolate and dairy products are considered toxic and should not be given to parrots.
In captivity, if they are confined in a small cage, they tend to chew or pick out their feathers. This is because they are large birds that enjoy flying around and playing.
So, you need to make sure you buy a very large, well-build cage and provide them with enough toys they can chew on and play.
They must also be provided with enough sleep (10-12 hours), in order to maintain good health. As an owner you will also need to regularly bathe your Umbrella due to the dust it emits from its wings.
Is it a good pet? (Personality, temperament & behavior)
Umbrella cockatoos are sweet-tempered and gentle birds, forming a strong bond with their owner. They also mate for life, so you need to be careful not to separate an umbrella form its mate, because it might get depressed.
Another thing about them, is that they are very intelligent, being able to do several tricks. Applying daily training, you can easily train your Umbrella to learn new tricks.
They usually are very affectionate, constantly demanding their owner’s attention. This means that you need to spend enough time with your cockatoo, so it doesn’t feel neglected.
Umbrella cockatoos can also get spoiled very easily, so you need to set boundaries from the beginning. As with almost all pets, early socialization and training is key for your bird to develop good temperament and avoid picking up bad habits.
We must also stress that the behavior of an Umbrella Cockatoo can change easily, sometimes for no reason, turning from a beloved, quiet pet to a screaming and biting Cockatoo.
Generally, an Umbrella cockatoo is NOT an ideal pet for kids or beginners, but it is more suitable for experienced bird owners with enough free time.
Do Umbrella cockatoos talk? (Speech & Sound)
In general, they aren't the most talkative birds, but they can learn up to 50 words. This number can of course be different for every bird.
They usually screech or scream, mainly as a means of communication.
Like most cockatoos, Umbrellas are loud, especially if you leave them alone most of the time or if they feel they’re not getting enough attention.
Health & Common Conditions
If you want your Umbrella Cockatoo to be healthy, you will have to provide it with enough exercise. This means a minimum of 2 hours outside its cage, in order to fly, play and explore its surroundings.
This is very important, because when in captivity they tend to gain weight. Excess weight might lead to fatty liver disease, so you need to keep an eye on their body fat!
Mental health is another thing you need to take into consideration as an owner. This means that you have to spend enough time with your Umbrella, otherwise it might get depressed, and chew or pick out its feathers a situation that might even lead to self-mutilation.
They are also very sensitive to feather disease and psittacine beak, so you need to make sure you pay a regular visit to your veterinarian.
Price and costs
An Umbrella cockatoo usually costs from $1,000 to $4,000, depending on its age, breeder and level of training. You can also get a second-hand pet, since it is very common for an Umbrella to change home or even get abandoned.
If you’re planning on getting an adult Umbrella Cockatoo an easy way to tell a male from a female is the iris. A male’s iris is usually dark brown while a female’s is reddish-brown.
When thinking of the expenses needed, you'll also have to take into consideration the price of the cage which is around $250, some money for a mirror and toys (around $200 per year), $200 annually for food and around $200 per year for hygiene and vet care.
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